1. Physiotherapy in orthopedic conditions Knee Pain Back Pain Shoulder Pain Arthritis- Knee, Back etc Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout 2. Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions Paralysis to one ARM & Leg - HEMIPLEGIA Paralysis to one side to face - FACIAL/BELLS PALSY PARAPLEGIA, QUADRUPLEGIA Spinal Cord Injury Other Diseases - MND, Parkinsonism Speech Therapy 3. Physiotherapy After Surgeries Knee Pain Total Hip Replacement(THT) 4. After Fracture of Bones & Surgery Post Traumatic Stiffness Nerve Related Operations 5. PhysioTherapy in Carpid Pulmonary Conditions After Coronary after by - pass graft (CABH) Major Long Operations Complete Rehabilitation 6. Physiotherapy in Pediatric Cerebral Plasty Autism 7. Fitness & Weight Reduction Management